New look, same focus

June 4, 2019

New look, same focus

By NIET CEO Dr. Candice McQueen

We rolled out a new look today on—a fresh approach to go along with our re-envisioned strategies for supporting educators. When we got started about 20 years ago, our foundation was built on years of research about the most effective way to improve students' performance: comprehensively supporting teachers and giving them opportunities to grow.

That's still exactly what we are about. But now, we have a few different ways we approach that work in addition to the TAP model that launched in 1999.

Now, we are thinking about educator preparation, the role of school and district leaders as instructional coaches, and how to support educators working hard in schools that have struggled or been stagnant and want to revitalize their growth. We have a more tailored approach to incorporating the best practices of our work. We have more partners than ever before, more schools and students that are seeing success, and more ways to support those states, schools and districts where NIET has not had a presence historically.

All of that is behind our new website, where we have stories about our partners, links to news articles about our schools and districts, updated information about our services, and new ways for you to see where we are and what we do. We have a lot of ideas about what the future could have in store—and we're excited that this new website will let us grow and change alongside our partners.

On our website, you can also view our new mission and vision statements, as well as our core values, which we developed as a team to encompass who we are.

This renewed approach highlights our focus on equity, our belief in the ability of every student and teacher, and our encouragement at what schools across the country are doing. We know the power of this work—and we are excited to share it.

Take a look around. We think you'll like what you see.