Tap Into Teacher Leadership With a Summer Book Group
June 5, 2024

Summer is here and school is out, but that doesn’t mean learning and development stops during these sizzling months. On the contrary - educators and school leaders are using NIET’s latest book to energize discussions and plan new learning.
Unleashing Teacher Leadership: A Toolkit For Ensuring Effective Instruction in Every Classroom, is the perfect collaborative summer read for groups of educators to use NIET-developed tools and unleash the power of teacher leadership. The book and free study guide outline strategies educators can apply during the upcoming school year – with plenty of detailed real-life examples and resources.
Want to set up your summer reading group to unleash teacher leadership? Here are a few steps to get started:
- Get the book and gather your group!
- You can find Unleashing Teacher Leadership available on Amazon, ASCD, or Barnes & Noble.
- Set a schedule and place for meetings.
- Share a timeline or Google calendar to keep everyone on the same page.
- Use the reflective questions in the Study Guide or create your own!
- You can find the Unleashing Teacher Leadership Study Guide here.
- Keep track of great ideas that you can apply in your schools and districts next year.
- Consider designating a member of your group to share the summer learning with others when school is back in session.
- Share a picture of your group!
- Be sure to tag @NIETTeach so we can unleash teacher leadership together.
We look forward to educator feedback and reflections as we prepare for another year of pursuing excellence in education. Happy reading!
Learn more about Unleashing Teacher Leadership: A Toolkit For Ensuring Effective Instruction in Every Classroom here