Indiana Superintendent Dr. Jennifer McCormick Observes TAP in Goshen
May 9, 2017

State’s top ed chief "impressed" by TAP’s positive impact on teachers and students
Indiana Superintendent of Education Dr. Jennifer McCormick traveled to Model Elementary School in Goshen to visit with teacher leaders implementing TAP: The System for Teacher and Student Advancement. The TAP System is instituted districtwide in Goshen Community Schools, and TAP’s elements of teacher leadership, professional development, educator evaluation and performance-based compensation are strengthening instructional skill and student learning.
McCormick, joined by Goshen Community Schools Superintendent Dr. Diane Woodworth and Assistant Superintendents Tammy Ummel and Alan Metcalfe, observed a TAP leadership Team of administrators and master and mentor teachers as they analyzed data and developed strategies for moving students forward. "We want everyone to succeed," noted Model Elementary Principal Lynne Peters, who led the meeting.
Peters, who moved from North Carolina to Goshen to continue with TAP, credited Model's progress to the foundation of support that TAP provides at the school and district levels. She said the school’s experience with TAP was critical to the successful integration of the New Tech curriculum, grounded in project-based learning, that began in three grades this year.
Woodworth, Ummel and Metcalfe have seen positive outcomes throughout Goshen Community Schools. They explained to McCormick that TAP has helped to move the corporation’s state-appointed D score up to a C, and now to a B, for the last two years.
"Through TAP, teachers have more ownership of their professional development and increased opportunities for leadership in the corporation," said Woodworth.
McCormick said, "I am very impressed with the Goshen schools and the results being achieved by students and staff."
NIET works with 89 schools across 14 districts in Indiana, and impacts more than 250,000 teachers and 2.5 million students nationwide.