NIET National Award of Excellence for Educator Effectiveness
October 11, 2018

Southport Elementary Principal Jeff Spencer Opens Assembly
Southport Elementary Principal Jeff Spencer opens the assembly. The school was an appropriate site for the districtwide celebration: Southport Elementary was one of the pilot schools in the NIET partnership and received the Founder's Award in 2016 for exemplary implementation of educator effectiveness principles and practices. Read the full story about the NIET Award in Excellence for Educator Effectiveness to Perry Township Schools.
Lowell Milken and Indiana State Board of Education Member Vince Bertram Participate in the Excitement of the Assembly
NIET Chairman and Founder Lowell Milken and Indiana State Board of Education Member and Project Lead the Way President and CEO Dr. Vince Bertram share a firm belief that excellent educators are essential to preparing America's future leaders.
"Education is the most fundamental part of society, and a big responsibility," said Bertram. "What you do as educators sets children on a path to prosperity."
Indiana State Board of Education Member Vince Bertram Addresses Assembly
"When I ask really successful people who made the difference, it's the teachers who inspired them, gave them hope and aspirations," said Dr. Vince Bertram, member of the Indiana State Board of Education and president and CEO of Project Lead the Way. He told the teachers, "You do the things that change lives every day.”
Lowell Milken Addresses Perry Township Schools Assembly
NIET Chairman and Founder Lowell Milken explains why Perry Township's schools exemplify the principles of the NIET Award of Excellence for Educator Effectiveness:
"Perry Township's schools made a very farsighted decision several years ago," he said. "They decided to focus on educator effectiveness because they knew that the effective teacher in the classroom is both the starting point and the engine of student learning. It's why the district maintains a teacher pipeline that's full of promise."
Lowell Milken Delivers Surprise Presentation of $50,000 Educator Effectiveness Award
"Perry Township Schools is a shining example of the tremendous achievements that can be made when you create the structures for teachers to lead,” said NIET Chairman and Founder Lowell Milken.
Lowell Milken Visits with Perry Township Student
NIET Chairman and Founder Lowell Milken asks a student about the impact of Perry Township's teachers on her education.
Perry Township Schools Students Hold Up Numbers Representing $50,000 Award
How many zeroes? Perry Township students help reveal the surprise cash prize of $50,000 that accompanies the NIET Award in Excellence for Educator Effectiveness. There was an audible gasp -- then cheers -- when Bonnie Somers, senior vice president of communications for the Milken Family Foundation, took to the floor to add the final zero.
Perry Township Schools Superintendent Pat Mapes Is Surprised to Learn about the NIET Award's $50,000 Cash Prize
Perry Township Schools Superintendent Pat Mapes at first finds himself at a loss for words after receiving $50,000 for NIET's National Award of Excellence for Educator Effectiveness. Except for one: "Wow!" Watch Mapes' reaction.
Leaders Applaud NIET Award of Excellence for Educator Effectiveness
Perry Township School Board Member Jon Morris (left), Director of Professional Development Whitney Wilkowski (center) and Director of Elementary Education Jane Pollard (right) are all smiles after it was announced that the school district would receive $50,000.
NIET Reveals Surprise $50,000 Cash Prize for Educator Effectiveness Award
The big reveal! From left to right, NIET Co-President and Chief Learning Officer Dr. Josh Barnett, Indiana State Board of Education Member and Project Lead the Way President and CEO Dr. Vince Bertram, NIET Chairman and Founder Lowell Milken, Perry Township Schools Superintendent Pat Mapes and NIET Senior Program Specialist Jen Oliver display the $50,000 cash prize that was awarded to Perry Township Schools for putting educator effectiveness at the center of improving student learning.
Perry Township Schools Superintendent Pat Mapes Accepts NIET Award of Excellence for Educator Effectiveness
"We are solidifying our district as a leader in educator effectiveness and excellence, and that wouldn't be possible without NIET," Perry Township Schools Superintendent tells the audience after accepting NIET's inaugural National Award of Excellence for Educator Effectiveness. "NIET has empowered our educators to give their very best and be a catalyst for students to do their best." Watch Mapes' full speech.
Perry Township Schools Superintendent Pat Mapes Interviews with Media about NIET Educator Effectiveness Award
Perry's progress in advancing educator effectiveness and student achievement deserves the limelight! Before the media, Perry Township Schools Superintendent Pat Mapes describes what it takes to move all students forward.
"Success is achieved when educators are trained to adapt their teaching methods to reach children regardless of nationality, socioeconomic background, learning disabilities, and personal challenges," he said.
Lowell Milken Presents Perry Township Schools Superintendent Pat Mapes with $50,000 Educator Effectiveness Award
NIET Chairman and Founder Lowell Milken (right) presents Perry Township Schools Superintendent Pat Mapes with the $50,000 Award in Excellence for Educator Effectiveness.
Perry Township Schools Leaders Accept NIET Award of Excellence for Educator Effectiveness
From left to right: Perry Township Schools Superintendent Pat Mapes, Assistant Superintendent Vickie Carpenter and Assistant Superintendent Bob Bohannon.
Lowell Milken Presents Perry Township Schools with NIET National Award of Excellence for Educator Effectiveness
Lowell Milken and Perry Township Schools leaders celebrate the very first presentation of NIET's Award of Excellence for Educator Effectiveness, which comes with a $50,000 cash prize.
Pictured from left to right are Perry Township Schools Superintendent Pat Mapes, Assistant Superintendent Vickie Carpenter, Director of Elementary Education Jane Pollard and Assistant Superintendent Bob Bohannon.
Indiana State and District Leaders Celebrate Perry Township Award
State leaders came out in force to celebrate the NIET Award of Excellence in Educator Effectiveness to Perry Township Schools.
From left to right: Indiana State Board of Education Member and Project Lead the Way President and CEO Dr. Vince Bertram; Perry Township Schools Superintendent Pat Mapes; NIET Chairman and Founder Lowell Milken; State Senator Aaron Freeman; and Indiana State Board of Education Member B.J. Watts.
Perry Township Schools Educators Admire NIET Award of Excellence for Educator Effectiveness
From left to right: Southport 6th Grade Academy Teacher Cherie Ramos, Southport Elementary Teacher Kelly Wilber and Mary Bryan Elementary Master Teacher Jennifer Dishman admire the NIET Award of Excellence for Educator Effectiveness.
Educators Celebrate NIET Educator Effectiveness Award to Perry Township Schools
From left to right: Perry Meridian High School Principal Kert Boedicker, Perry Township Schools Superintendent Pat Mapes, NIET Chairman and Founder Lowell Milken, Southport 6th Grade Academy Principal Kim Campbell, Douglas MacArthur Elementary Principal Star Hardimon, Southport High Principal Brian Knight, and Glenns Valley Elementary Principal Dave Rohl.
Lowell Milken Visits with Perry Township Educators
NIET Chairman and Founder Lowell Milken visits with Perry Meridian High School Master Teachers Brenna Macias (left) and Julie Tennell (right) about how instructional leadership has shaped the district’s successes and their own careers.