16th National TAP Conference: Advancing Educator Effectiveness
February 11, 2016

The TAP System for Teacher and Student Advancement Develops Educators through Leadership Opportunities, School-Based Professional Development, Meaningful Feedback and Support, and other Innovative Approaches Highlighted in New National Law. March 18-19, 2
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), enshrined into law in December 2015, supports states and districts in developing new approaches to increase teacher effectiveness that focus on the output of teaching: classroom practice and student learning. The question is, how can states and districts take bold action to address this priority so that all classrooms are helmed by great teachers?
The 16th National TAP Conference brings together educators, policymakers, researchers and other influential leaders who are implementing TAP: The System for Teacher and Student Advancement and other best practices in schools, districts, universities and states across the country.
Managed and supported by the National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (NIET), the TAP System aligns proven principles that strengthen instruction and student achievement, including teacher leadership, daily job-embedded professional development, meaningful evaluation, feedback and support, and opportunities for performance-based compensation.
TAP has been used by schools for more than a decade and its systems have sustained the test of time. Many schools have been recipients of grants supported by programs now included in ESSA. All 1,000 conference attendees will have important lessons to share about how they have implemented and sustained these reforms to improve classroom instruction and student achievement.
Friday, March 18 – Saturday, March 19, 2016
Hyatt Regency New Orleans, 601 Loyola Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70113
View the agenda: http://www.niet.org/tap-system/tap-conferences-trainings/2016-tap-conference/2016-tap-conference-agenda.
Confirm final rooms of each event upon arrival to the conference.
- Lowell Milken’s Opening Plenary Panel, Mar. 18, 8:30 a.m., with Conference Welcome by NIET CEO Gary Stark
- Award Luncheon, Mar. 18, noon; Mar. 19, 11: 30 a.m.
- Panel: An Overview of NIET University Partnerships: Transforming Teacher Preparation, Mar. 18, 10:30 a.m.
- Panel: Translating Powerful Educator Effectiveness Practices into State Policy, Mar. 18, 1:45 p.m.
- Panel: Defining the Role of the Teacher Leader, Mar. 18, 3:35 p.m.
- Panel: Implementing and Sustaining Educator Effectiveness Best Practices (District Perspective), Mar. 19, 8:20 a.m.
- Panel: Managing an Effective Evaluation Process at the District/Building Level, Mar. 19, 10:00 a.m.
Hear from leaders including:
- Lowell Milken, NIET Chairman and TAP Founder
- Gary Stark, NIET CEO
- Patrice Pujol, NIET President & Former Ascension Public Schools Superintendent (LA)
- Roberto Rodriguez, Deputy Assistant to the President for Education, White House
- Nadya Dabby, Assistant Deputy Secretary for Innovation and Improvement, U.S. ED
- Candice McQueen, Tennessee Commissioner of Education
- John White, Louisiana Superintendent of Education
- Scott Ridley, Dean of College of Education, Texas Tech University
- Paul Fleming, Tennessee Assistant Commissioner, Division of Teachers and Leaders
- Rebecca Kockler, Louisiana Assistant Superintendent of Academic Content
- Marilee Eveleth, Director of Field Experience, Northern Arizona University
- Angelia Linder, iTeach Program Specialist, Arizona State University
- Bobbi Lussier, Exec. Director, College of Education, Middle Tennessee State University
- Laura Turchi, Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Instruction, University of Houston
- Fernando Valle, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, Texas Tech University
- Cade Brumley, Superintendent, DeSoto Parish Schools (LA)
- Saul Hinojosa, Superintendent, Somerset Independent School District (TX)
- David Mathis, Superintendent, Saluda County Schools District 1 (SC)
- Patricia Tate, Superintendent, Osborn School District #8 (AZ)
- Vickie Carpenter, Assistant Superintendent, Perry Township Schools (IN)
Plus, dozens of practitioner- and trainer-led sessions will discuss the TAP System’s day-to-day operations in schools, with topics ranging from developing “master” and “mentor” teachers and implementing meaningful teacher evaluation and support systems, to creating a culture of higher-order thinking—a critical skill for a rapidly growing and changing global economy.
"TAP educators are among the first to implement new ways of supporting, developing, evaluating and promoting teacher talent. This conference is an opportunity for everyone to build on the important work of maximizing the impact of the TAP System—all with the goal of sustaining and growing reforms that ensure that every student has an effective teacher every year."
- Due to TAP's aligned and strong system of support, TAP System schools are thriving at faster rates than comparable non-TAP schools.
- 88% of continuing TAP System schools are achieving at least one year’s academic growth as compared to 77% in similar non-TAP schools.
- In Louisiana, site of the 2016 TAP conference, TAP has had a significant positive effect on K-8 Assessment Index scores compared to the state average, and significantly greater Assessment Index scores when compared to a group of matched control schools.
Learn more about the need for the TAP System:http://www.niet.org/newsroom/videos/event/22/52
Twitter: @NIETteach (http://www.twitter.com/NIETteach), @tapsystem (http://www.twitter.com/tapsystem)
Hashtag: #tapcon16
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/NIETteach
Web: www.niet.org