19th National Conference: Advancing School Improvement Solutions
March 20, 2019

In line with the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), states and districts are implementing new approaches to better attract, retain and support teachers; refine instruction tied to new and more rigorous curriculum; and design plans to dramatically improve struggling schools.
At the Hyatt Regency New Orleans on March 22-23, the National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (NIET) will gather 1,100 educators, policymakers, researchers and other influential leaders to share their expertise and help teachers walk away with strategies for driving school improvement. NIET partners with K-12 and higher education institutions in Louisiana and throughout the nation, reaching more than 250,000 educators and 2.5 million students.
Among the hundreds of schools represented at the conference, five are finalists for the NIET Founder’s Award, which will be presented to one school for exemplary implementation of NIET's principles to build educator excellence and give all students opportunities for success. Each finalist school will receive $10,000. The winner, to be announced at the finalists' recognition luncheon at noon on Friday, March 22, will take home the $50,000 grand prize. The finalists are:
- Alice M. Harte Charter School, InspireNOLA, Louisiana
- Cross County Elementary Technology Academy (CCETA), Cross County School District, Arkansas
- Desert View Elementary, Gadsden Elementary School District #32, Arizona
- Dodson Branch School, Jackson County Schools, Tennessee
- Wildflower School, Avondale Elementary School District #44, Arizona
NIET specializes in five main areas:
- TAP System for Teacher and Student Advancement: Implementing comprehensive education reform that provides teacher leadership; ongoing job-embedded professional learning; a common language and shared goals around clear standards and high expectations; and a structure that rewards educators for their roles, responsibilities, and growth in practice and performance.
- School Improvement Solutions: Meeting partners where they are to develop a culture of educator excellence and student academic growth.
- Teacher and Leader Development: Building the capacity of educators and leaders through customized structures for career paths, professional learning, educator evaluation systems, and performance data systems. To date, NIET has trained more than 30,000 teacher leaders.
- Observations and Rubrics: Developing a coherent vision for effective instruction and supporting teachers in refining their craft.
- Education Preparation Partnerships: Using NIET’s teaching standards to strengthen the connection between K-12 and higher education institutions, effectively equipping aspiring teachers for the expectations of the classroom.
Evidence shows that NIET’s principles are leading to increased educator effectiveness and student achievement growth.
- New and continuing NIET-supported schools are outperforming comparison schools; 88 percent of continuing NIET-supported schools—of which more than 95% are high-need—are achieving at least one year’s academic growth as compared to 77 percent in comparison schools.
- NIET retains 94% of its teachers—14% more than similar high-need schools and 10% more than the national average.
- 96% of administrators agree that NIET’s educator evaluation system leads to higher student achievement.
- Results also show that lasting NIET partnerships produce large-scale gains: For example, NIET-supported schools in Louisiana experience more rapid and sustained student achievement:
View the full conference agenda
View key speakers
Friday, March 22:
- 8:30 a.m.: Keynote Address by NIET Chairman and Founder Lowell Milken
- 9 a.m.: Districts That Thrive: Maximizing Learning by Capitalizing on Effective Systems of Support for Educators; moderated by NIET CEO Dr. Candice McQueen
- Noon: NIET Founder’s Award Finalists’ Luncheon, plus announcement of winner
Featured Speaker: Louisiana Superintendent John White
Saturday, March 23:
- 10:15 a.m.: Fireside Chat: Conversations with the Founder’s Award Finalists and Winner; moderated by NIET Senior Trainer Teddy Broussard
- Noon: Honoring Perry Township Schools, Indiana, as recipient of the 2018 National NIET Award of Excellence for Educator Effectiveness
- 1:30 p.m.: Impact of NIET’s Work; led by NIET Director of Research Dr. Tanee Hudgens
In addition, dozens of educator-led sessions will discuss the day-to-day implementation of NIET’s principles in schools. Topics will include developing and supporting teacher leaders; connecting teacher instruction to new, rigorous curriculum; strategic coaching; energizing and motivating student learning; and fostering a culture of continuous improvement in teachers and students alike. Participants will also learn how to maximize their learning and support through NIET’s EE PASS online portal, which provides educators with real-time training and data to improve classroom practice.
News: 2019 NIET Conference Overview
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Web: www.niet.org
Jana Rausch, Communications Director
(310) 570-4774 office
(310) 435-9259 cell