Indiana TAP Master Teacher Angelina Burrows Recognized at White House Among Elite Group of Outstanding Educators
May 4, 2016

"We are delighted that a number of teachers from districts implementing the TAP System are participating in the White House teacher recognition event this year," said Dr. Gary Stark, NIET’s chief executive officer. "Angie Burrows and the other TAP educators at the event are working in their schools and districts, but also at the state and national level, to promote the teaching profession and highlight the importance of strong classroom instruction for student achievement."
"The experience at the White House was amazing," said Burrows. "I will never forget this day, but more importantly, I will never forget that I, along with the thousands of other teachers, have a great responsibility to every student we encounter. We must not only help them succeed academically but also teach them to give back and be productive citizens in society."
Burrows was a former TSA agent who transitioned to teaching seventh-grade science and then moved up the ranks from career teacher to mentor teacher to master teacher. Her school, located near Chicago in northwest Indiana, serves a high poverty, mostly minority student population. The school earned a growth score of 4 (out of 5) for the 2014-15 academic year, indicating students schoolwide achieved more than a year of academic growth during that period. Her district was the recipient of a TIF grant. Burrows will complete her master’s degree in education this month.
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Based on the knowledge and experience gained from over a decade of on-the-ground implementation with TAP, combined with the growing demand for proven reforms in teacher and principal effectiveness, NIET supports schools, districts, universities and states with educator evaluation training, evaluator certification modules linked to learning platforms and human capital management systems as well as tools and resources for educator preparation.