
Photo: Alaska Gateway School District, Alaska
The Alaska Council of School Administrators received a 3-year federal Teacher and School Leader (TSL) Incentive Program grant in partnership with NIET and four rural, high-need Alaskan districts: Northwest Arctic Borough School District, Yukon-Koyukuk School District, Alaska Gateway School District, and Nenana School District.
The project, called Increasing Performance and Retention in Alaska’s Rural Schools (IPRARS), will create professional learning communities, school leadership teams, and strengthen educator observation, feedback, and evaluation. Each district will create and implement a performance-based compensation model for teachers and school leaders. Each district has a unique set of challenges retaining teachers and leaders. Through the support of the Alaska Staff Development Network and NIET, the target to elevate leaders and support teachers through incentives and other career pathways is critical. It will serve approximately 475 educators and 2,500 students through both in-person and virtual coaching and training.