
Photo: Slaton Independent School District, Texas
For more than 20 years, NIET has partnered with school districts across Texas to strengthen educator effectiveness and improve student achievement. Our team is supporting Texas teachers and leaders in a variety of ways, including:
- Equipping Mentor Teachers to Support Beginning Educators
- Rewarding Teacher Excellence
- Improving Schools Through Excellent Instruction
- Expanding Acceleration Work
- Creating Teacher Leadership Pathways
To learn more about how we’re helping Texas school leaders and teachers maximize their efforts, check out our Texas overview flyer.
Supporting districts through state improvement initiatives
In 2020, NIET was selected by the Texas Education Agency as an approved provider for the Teacher Incentive Allotment, Texas Mentor Teacher Program, and Texas Resilient Schools Support Program.
Under the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA), NIET delivers a wide spectrum of coaching and training to help districts as they design TIA plans and work with them every step of the way – from the creation of local designation systems, to teacher observation and appraisal, data analysis, compensation, change management and communication. NIET also supports districts in developing teacher leadership and professional learning systems.
NIET’s work with partners on the Mentor Program Allotment (MPA) is based on a proven track record in developing teacher leaders. NIET’s mentor training builds skills and knowledge across a range of topics such as understanding and building trust with adult learners, using data to improve teaching, providing high-quality feedback, and creating continuous cycles of improvement. School and district leaders participate in training prior to the start of the school year in order to build a common understanding of the work of mentors and the goals of the program.
NIET also partners with districts through the Texas Resilient Schools Support Program (RSSP), ensuring that leadership support and coaching is focused on providing high-quality instruction and coaching to students and teachers.
Aligning teacher and principal preparation programs
Starting with Texas Tech University and expanding to other institutions across the state, NIET works with teacher and principal preparation programs, and the high-need districts they serve, to strengthen partnerships and create a pipeline of better prepared new teachers and leaders who are ready to be successful.
NIET Teaching and Learning Standards (aligned to T-TESS) are embedded in coursework and clinical field experiences. Teacher candidates complete their residencies in high-need schools, enabling these schools to better identify and hire successful candidates.