Impact on Districts

Highlights of Successes in Perry Township, Indiana; Ascension Parish, Louisiana; Chinle, Arizona; and Premont ISD, Texas
Perry Township Schools, Indiana, Closes the Achievement Gap with the State
Perry Township Schools Performance Improves Over Time, Closing the Gap with the State
Between 2015-16 and 2017-18, Perry Township students increased their passing rate on the ISTEP+ from 49.1 percent to 51.3 percent, effectively closing the gap with the state. In 2017-18, Perry's passing rate surpassed that of the state. And while Indiana's passing rate declined during this time frame, Perry's went up.
Source: NIET Department of Research and Evaluation
Perry Township Schools is the 2018 recipient of NIET's National Award of Excellence for Educator Effectiveness. Read more about the district's achievements.
Ascension Public Schools, Louisiana, Outperforms the State
Ascension Public Schools Outperforms the State on Each of the LEAP Tests as Well as the Overall Combined Scores
Spring 2018 Louisiana Educational Assessment Program (LEAP) assessments indicate that Ascension Public Schools achieved the second-highest combined scores in the state in the percentage of students who scored Mastery and Advanced. Further, the district exceeded state scores in ELA, math, and social studies.
Source: NIET Department of Research and Evaluation
Read Leadership Is a Disposition, Not a Position, Ascension Public Schools' story of success.
Chinle Unified School District, Arizona, Improves Achievement
Chinle Unified School District Improves More than State on Percent of Students Passing Standardized Test
The percent of students passing the state assessment in math and ELA has increased over the last two years in Chinle Unified School District and this growth surpasses that of the state.
Source: NIET Department of Research and Evaluation
Premont Independent School District, Texas, Improves Achievement
Premont ISD Improves Performance on State Standardized Test
The district has shown dramatic increases in the percent of students scoring 'Approaches Grade Level or Above' in key tested areas on the STAAR state assessment, receiving a "B" state rating for overall performance and an "A" for school progress in the 2017-18 school year.
Source: NIET Department of Research and Evaluation