Impact on States

Louisiana, Texas and Indiana NIET Partner Schools Outperform Matched Comparison Schools

Louisiana NIET Partner Schools Outperform Matched Comparison Schools

NIET-Supported Louisiana Schools Outperform Matched Schools in Student Achievement

More rapid and sustained student achievement takes place in Louisiana schools partnering with NIET for at least three consecutive years, compared to matched high-need schools. NIET partner schools begin to outperform matched schools in the first year with the gap widening over time. By year 3, the difference in student performance reaches statistical significance.

Source: NIET Department of Research and Evaluation


Texas NIET Partner Schools Outperform Matched Comparison Schools

NIET-Supported Texas Schools Outperform Matched Schools in Math and Reading Growth

The schools that partnered with NIET for at least two consecutive years outperform their propensity matched schools by an average of 0.20 standard deviations in math and by an average of 0.12 standard deviations in reading. Additionally, while the average student achievement growth in NIET partner schools is statistically significant for math and reading, the average student achievement growth in matched schools does not reach statistical significance for either subject area.

Source: NIET Department of Research and Evaluation 

For more information, read The NIET Difference: Lasting Partnerships Produce Large-Scale Gains from NIET in Focus.

Indiana NIET Partner Schools Outperform Matched Comparison Schools

Indiana NIET-Supported Schools Narrow Math Achievement Gaps While Gaps at Matched Schools Widen

NIET partner schools across Indiana reduce the Black-White and Hispanic-White math achievement gaps, even as these gaps widen in comparison schools.


Read more: Research Overview: Key Findings from 10 Studies of the TAP System