Impact on Higher Education Partnerships

NIET's Partnerships Help Prepare Educators to Be Effective on Day One
NIET brings years of experience training K-12 educators to strengthen teacher instructional practice, and working with districts to build systems that increase educator effectiveness in high-need schools, to its work with Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs).
This includes expertise in designing, implementing and sustaining systems that support mentoring and school-based professional learning, performance-based evaluation and feedback and teacher leadership development, along with the online tools and resources that support these systems.
NIET-IHE Pre-Service Teachers Improve Instructional Skills
Teacher Candidates at NIET Partner Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) Improve Instructional Skills over Time
One of the benefits of NIET's partnerships is the ability to evaluate a candidate's effectiveness against NIET's robust and research-based teaching standards. As shown in the figure below, on average, teacher candidates’ instructional skills improve over time. By graduation, average scores demonstrate instructional skills above proficiency.